Mother's & Daughters

Emanuella is still on vacation and was by default, a guest with us at the @unorthodoxpodcast (for TabletMag) this morning (she sat quietly outside the entire time (Ok she was watching)). She was still there nonetheless. “Do you receive pushback from your community about what you do?!” was the question that brought her to mind, inside the recording studio.

I remember the feeling of fear and discomfort after we wore pants under a dress of ours for the first time. Some were outraged, there were people who felt relieved and liberated and others that felt that we were corrupting their daughters.
The words we say, things we do, and clothing we wear and have worn impacts different communities, women and young girls around us. I was that daughter who struggled to find my creativity within my faith. When we started The Frock I thought we were making clothing for the women we are today, I didn’t realize that we’ve been making clothing for the girls we used to be who needed it the most.

Everything we create and share today is available for the world to see. Although what matters most is that it’s there for our daughters to see. If I’m proud for my daughter to see it, then I’ll share it.
Being modest doesn’t mean we should feel confined to one box. There is more than one way to cover up. As human beings, we have to balance staying true to our identity, because God did not put us here to all be the same.
We’re not here to encourage rebellion or advocacy for dressing the exact way we do. It’s about giving a broader space to what modesty is within faith and fashion.

We’re doing what we do so our daughters can find the space to hold God and who they are, together. Their creativity and talents are not independent of what we practice. Their voice is what makes their ‘orthodoxy’ authentic, a real relationship with God that involves all parts of themselves because who we are and our faith is one.
That's what I want Emanuella to see when she sees me on Instagram.

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