The Frock Corner Shop
We sit in between these large, floor to ceiling windows on both sides of #ThecornerShop and when the sun’s out, you can literally be sweating buckets if you’re sitting in its direct rays.
The space has this ability to absorb its surroundings, an openness that is suggestive of many minds, hearts, and bodies which we’re looking forward to cramming in, post Covid for Pop Up Shops!
Seeing your interpretation of a Frock is not just something we know we want, it's almost a requirement coming from the space itself. Craving to soak in your take, your vision, your style, and your self.
We knew even before #thecornershop was ours that there was something more to this space that was drawing us to it. And I think the windows were reflective then of our heart’s pursuit.
And whether we get to see it here in person, bump into you Frocking on the street, or catch you on the gram, it’s the way that you Frock it on your own way that makes us both shine.